Introduction  to Shea Butter

 INTRODUCTION Shea butter is a byproduct of shea nut processing derived from the indigenous African shea tree called Vitellaria paradoxa
Shea Butter has been in existence as far back as of the time of the ancient Egyptian when it served as one of the many beauty secrets kept by Cleopatra which she usually gets from Africa.

Presently, it is becoming increasingly popular as a component of cosmetic formulations, substitute for cocoa butter in chocolate amongst others.Unrefined raw shea butter is edible and can serve as a boost for healthy fats and vitamins.

Ori-Ewa shea is an indispensable companion and every home must have one. This is because from our head (hair) to the toes (foot), shea butter is very useful. Apart from preventing hair breakage and promoting hair growth, its effect on joint pain and inflammation is magical. 

It is baby friendly as it is very gentle on the skin of a new born making it an essential item on the list of a new and expecting mother. Ori-Ewa shea makes the skin healthy, and can even prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

In addition, here are a few of its other benefits on the skin: Good for rough/dry skin, peeling and skin rashes, It helps to heal small skin wounds, sunburn, blemishes and wrinkles.

On the large scale, our shea butter is a good substitute for cocoa butter in chocolate production and other confectionery products, it’s the best base in soap production, body and hair creams and other dermatological and pharmaceutical formulations.

Ori-Ewa shea is very rich in Fat soluble vitamins; A, D, E, K and the essential fatty acids; oleic, stearic, palmitic and linoleic, hence forming a good constituent in vegetable oil production.